Bachelor’s in STAPS
Université Paris Cité offers a three-year Bachelor’s in STAPS with three specializations, all of which are taught over six semesters. The program comprises compulsory and optional courses that last for an entire semester.
The aim of the STAPS program is to provide students with knowledge from :
- the fields of teaching,
- training,
- health and leisure,
- while also preparing them to pursue higher studies in the form of a master’s degree and a doctorate (research).

© STAPS, Université Paris Cité, 2020
STAPS Bachelor’s tracks
1st Year of the Bachelor’s Program
2nd Year of the Bachelor’s Program
- Adapted Physical Activity and Healthcare (APA-S)
- Education and Motor Skills in Elementary Schools (EM 1)
- Education and Motor Skills in Secondary Schools (EM 2)
- Sports Training (ES)
Coaching (ES PRO) (this mention is dedicated to students whose objective is to integrate the Professional Bachelor’s in Fitness after having validated the L2).
During the registration process for L2, you must choose the specialization you wish to pursue in L3 (APA-S, EM1/EM2 or ES). It is very important that you think about your career path as early as possible so you can choose the program that best corresponds to your goals.
3rd Year of the Bachelor’s Program
The program in Adapted Physical Activity and Healthcare (APA-S) allows students to work in a variety of fields relating to motor, sensory, mental and social impairments. In general, the program allows students to combine physical activity and healthcare while working with patients of all ages in hospitals, physical therapy clinics, medical institutes and associations.
- Education and Motor Skills in Elementary Schools – EM1
- Education and Motor Skills in Secondary Schools – EM2
The specialization in Education and Motor Skills (EM) prepares students to enter public education at the primary and secondary levels.
The specialization in Sports Training (ES) prepares students for management roles in the sporting sector.
What qualities are expected to enter the program?
- Scientific skills
- Written skills and the ability to develop a structured argument
- Athletic skills
- An interest in developing collective, community and national responsibility
What courses are taught in the first year of the Bachelor’s program?
Sports almost every day in small groups (Travaux Pratiques – TP), which range from rugby to dancing (for all students), badminton, gymnastics, track and field, football and rock climbing, and the theory of these sports for a third of the week.
Courses in the humanities and social sciences (philosophy, psychology, sociology, history) and life sciences (physiology, biomechanics, anatomy) for two-thirds of the week. Classes are held in the lecture hall (Cours Magistraux – CM) and in small groups (Travaux Dirigés – TD).
Note : the science courses are the most competitive!
Added to the course offering are classes in English and internships in the sectors accessible with a degree in STAPS.
Admission Criteria
As with all general undergraduate programs since the 2018-2019 academic year, admission to the first year of the bachelor’s program is done via Parcoursup.
Registration in L2
During the registration process for L2, you must choose the specialization you wish to pursue in L3 (APA-S, EM1/EM2 or ES). It is very important that you think about your career path as early as possible so you can choose the program that best corresponds to your goals.
Specializations Available in the STAPS Department of Université Paris Cité
- Adapted Physical Activity and Healthcare (APA-S)
- Education and Motor Skills in Elementary Schools (EM 1) or Secondary Schools (EM 2)
- Sports Training (ES)
Contrasts with L1
In L2, you will have to select a sports specialty (15 specialties available) in addition to the physical activity courses.
The major difference when compared to L1 is that our students will learn about the professional aspects of the field. In semester 1, you will be prepared to start your internship in the area you chose during the registration process (APA-S, EM 1, EM 2, ES, Coaching). In semester 2, you will do your internship (30 hrs. minimum) in the chosen area. The aim is for you to be exposed to your future career at an early stage.
Your choice of courses for the PPE 3 and PPE 4 modules is to be closely related to your career goals.
3rd Year of the Bachelor’s Program
The three specializations have their corresponding programs at the master’s level.
- Adapted Physical Activity and Healthcare – APA-S
The program in Adapted Physical Activity and Healthcare (APA-S) allows students to work in a variety of fields relating to motor, sensory, mental and social impairments. In general, the program allows students to combine physical activity and healthcare while working with patients of all ages in hospitals, physical therapy clinics, medical institutes and associations.
> Program Objectives
The Bachelor’s in STAPS with a specialization in Adapted Physical Activity and Healthcare aims at producing Adapted Physical Activity Specialists (Enseignants en Activités Physiques Adaptées, EAPA). These specialists will design, manage and assess intervention, prevention and education programs based on the health conditions of their patients by using adapted physical activities.
The program requires that students show continued dedication and master skills that can be used while working in a variety of areas such as maladjustment, healthcare and prevention. Our program particularly targets the fields of social maladjustment, behavioral and mental disorders, neuromotor and musculoskeletal impairments, physiological and metabolic disorders, the loss of autonomy and aging.
- Education and Motor Skills – EM
The specialization in Education and Motor Skills (EM) prepares students to enter public education at the primary and secondary levels.
> Objectives of EM1
The Bachelor’s in STAPS with a specialization in Education and Motor Skills at the Primary Level produces physical education teachers who work in elementary schools or as Teachers of the City of Paris (Professeurs de la Ville de Paris, PVP). Students of the program will learn about the education system in depth and acquire greater understanding of elementary school children. They will learn the necessary skills in teaching mathematics, French and physical education so they can sit the Teacher Recruitment Exam (CRPE) and the Teachers of the City of Paris (PVP) Exam. The program primarily focuses on the skills necessary to teaching physical education in elementary schools. Internships in elementary schools allow students to fully grasp the objectives of the program.
> Objectives of EM2
The specialization in Education and Motor Skills at the Secondary Level (EM2) produces physical education teachers who work in high schools. With the aim that students learn the skills necessary for teaching physical education, a multidisciplinary approach is used, which includes relevant scientific and technological know-how, to address current educational issues and learning challenges in schools. Other key components include designing, planning, managing and regulating physical education programs. Throughout the year, students will also engage in practical sessions in secondary education institutions.
- Sports Training – ES
The specialization in Sports Training (ES) prepares students for management roles in the sporting sector.
> Program Objectives
Graduates of the program will be able to train athletes with the aim of improving their performance and personal development, with or without assistance from a senior trainer according to the level of experience.
Specialists in sports training are able to design training programs after conducting diagnostics of athletes. They can then lead a variety of training sessions for physical preparation (PM), psychological and mental preparation (PM) and technical and tactical preparation. Overall, they communicate with athletes and participate in protecting their health.
The program primarily focuses on optimizing athletes’ performance regardless of age by using performance measures and indicators.
After Completing the ES Program
Once students have completed the Sports Training program, the department will provide a proof of program completion document with the chosen sports specialization. However, graduates of the program are not exempt from providing a copy of their degree to the relevant authority, in accordance with Article A. 212-176 of the Sport’s Code. Graduates will have a maximum period of one year after finishing their degree to fulfill this obligation. Otherwise, their certification card will not be renewed.
To apply for a certification card, the proof of program completion document with the sports specialization must be presented.
Physical Therapy Transition Program
The STAPS Department of Université Paris Cité signed an agreement with four physical therapy institutes to select students for the physical therapy transition program. Selected students will be able to register in the first year of a program offered by these institutes. To be eligible, candidates must be registered in the 1st year of the Bachelor’s in STAPS for the first time.
The institutes are:
Healthcare Track (L.AS) in the Bachelor’s in STAPS
Since September 2020, the STAPS Department has offered the possibility for students to enter a healthcare track in the first year of the bachelor’s program. There is a maximum capacity of around 40 students for this program. Students of the healthcare track will take additional courses related to the medical field, which will represent 12 ECTS in total.
On the Parcoursup platform, interested students are to select “L1 L.AS STAPS” and not “L1 STAPS Classique”.
Students who pass the L1 L.AS STAPS and the accompanying minor in healthcare, subject to their ranking within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Université Paris Cité, will be able to :
- move on to an L2 in Healthcare (Medicine, Midwifery, Odontology, Pharmacy)
- move on to the L2 in STAPS
Students who do not pass the L1 L.AS STAPS will be able to :
- re-sit the first year of the STAPS program
- transfer to another program via the Parcoursup platform
Admission into physical therapy after a re-sit will not be allowed.
Specific Healthcare Track Program (Parcours Accès Santé Spécifique, PASS) in STAPS
Starting in the 2021-2022 academic year, students in a healthcare-related field can take courses from our STAPS-Sport Healthcare minor. There is a maximum capacity of around 40 people.
Students in the L1 of the PASS program can take up to 12 ECTS of courses from our L1 in STAPS (face-to-face or online delivery).
Our minor in STAPS-Sport Healthcare offers 80 hrs. of courses in life sciences and humanities applied to sports, and around 40 hrs. of sports and artistic sessions.
Students of the L1 in PASS who are successful in the Sport Healthcare minor and their major can move on to the L2 of the healthcare track (Portail Santé).
Admission Criteria
First year
As with all general undergraduate programs since the 2018-2019 academic year, admission to the first year of the bachelor’s program is done via Parcoursup.
Registration in L2
During the registration process for L2, you must choose the specialization you wish to pursue in L3 (APA-S, EM1/EM2 or ES). It is very important that you think about your career path as early as possible so you can choose the program that best corresponds to your goals.
In L2, you will have to select a sports specialty (15 specialties available) in addition to the physical activity courses.
The major difference when compared to L1 is that our students will learn about the professional aspects of the field. In semester 1, you will be prepared to start your internship in the area you chose during the registration process (APA-S, EM 1, EM 2, ES, Coaching). In semester 2, you will do your internship (30 hrs. minimum) in the chosen area. The aim is for you to be exposed to your future career at an early stage.
Your choice of courses for the PPE 3 and PPE 4 modules is to be closely related to your career goals.
Registration in L3
Campus France registration
For foreign students outside the European Union, an application can be made on the “Etudes en France” websites of their country.
> Find out more on Campus France website.